How To Make Home Made KFC

home made kfc

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At Mum's Pantry we love creating easy recipes using common ingredients found in your pantry and fridge. Our goal is to make your life easier, and meal times tastier, from midweek meals to lunchbox snacks and budget-friendly dinners. Bon appetit!

  • VR
    February 10, 2018

    what is chicken stock seasoning, as opposed to stock cubes, powder,etc ? A link to some at woolworths or somewhere would be great.

    Also how do you get your chicken coated like in the photos? I dipped each piece in egg then into the bag and coated it as well as I could, but it was nothing like the photos. Do you double-dip them or something?

    PS Why am i only getting caps…

    • VR
      February 10, 2018

      hmm ignore the caps thing, it’s only while I’m typing this up…

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